When people consider getting braces, they usually think about the aesthetic benefits. A straighter smile can make you look incredible and feel more confident, but its merits go beyond just that. There are also quite a few benefits to your health that come with orthodontic care. If you needed another reason to go for a straighter smile, here are a few that might convince you.
#1: More Hygienic
Two of the most common issues that can lead someone to pursue orthodontic treatment are crowded and gapped teeth. As it turns out, both of these problems can also put you at greater risk for gum disease. Crowded teeth are harder to clean effectively, which means they tend to have more plaque buildup. Gapped teeth, on the other hand, expose more of the gums to the outside air, increasing the chance of infection. In either case, orthodontic treatment can fix these problems, reducing your risk of gum disease.
#2: Better Digestion
Chewing is the very first stage of the digestive process. By thoroughly grinding up your food, it becomes easier for the stomach to process, which puts less stress on the digestive organs. Chewing well also allows your body to extract nutrients from your food more easily.
Misaligned teeth don’t do as good a job with chewing as straight teeth do. Think about how much easier it is to chop something when your knife is held straight versus holding it at an angle. Getting braces will improve digestion, and increase the number of nutrients you can get out of your food.
#3: Reduced Jaw Pain
If your teeth fit together uncomfortably, that affects the way you hold your mouth from moment to moment. This can eventually lead to a misalignment of the jaw.
While your jaw is incredibly powerful, it’s only secured in place by two small joints. Even minor misalignment can cause significant pain in these joints. The discomfort can spread from there to the neck, ears, and head, even causing migraines and vertigo in severe cases. While a minor bite misalignment may not necessarily lead to these outcomes, they can certainly contribute.
As you can see, your orthodontist does much more than make you look pretty. A straighter smile can mean serious benefits to your oral health.
About Our Practice
Every patient needs to be treated differently. At Rauchberg Dental Group, we’ve made it our core mission to offer personalized treatment to everyone who visits our office. That’s why we have six experienced dentists on staff, each with a different expertise. Our orthodontist, Dr. Denise Kitay, has over 25 years of experience straightening teeth and continues her education to this day. If you have any questions about the benefits of straighter teeth, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (973) 718-9887.