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Stick to the Essentials: Mastering the Use of Denture Adhesive

December 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 5:46 pm
An older woman smiling with her dentures that she secured with denture adhesive

Using denture adhesive can significantly enhance the stability and comfort of dentures. However, the adhesive isn’t like the Elmer’s glue of yesteryear, it takes some practice and patience to master. Proper techniques for application and removal can go a long way in helping you make the most of your dentures.

If you find yourself at a loss when it comes to denture adhesive, continue reading. This guide will walk you through preparing your dentures the dentist-approved way.

How to Prepare Your Dentures and Apply Denture Adhesive

Here are some easy steps to follow to ensure that this first part goes smoothly:

  1. Clean Your Dentures: Ensure your dentures are thoroughly cleaned before applying adhesive. Remove any debris, food particles, or residue to create a clean surface for the adhesive.
  2. Apply Adhesive Sparingly: Start with a small amount of dental adhesive. Applying too much can lead to excess squeezing out and may affect the adhesion. A little goes a long way in providing the support needed.
  3. Even Distribution: Spread the adhesive evenly across the fitting surface of the denture. Aim for a thin, uniform layer to prevent uneven pressure points that may cause discomfort.

How To Remove Denture Adhesive from Dentures

Once you’re ready to take your prosthetics out for the night, follow these steps to properly remove the adhesive:

  1. Remove Dentures: Take out your dentures carefully, holding them over a folded towel so they don’t get damaged from an accidental drop.
  2. Rinse Under Warm Water: Hold the dentures under warm running water to soften and loosen the adhesive.
  3. Gentle Cleaning: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or denture brush to clean the remaining adhesive from both the dentures and your gums.
  4. (Optional) Dental Adhesive Remover: If needed, consider using a dental adhesive remover to ease the cleaning process.

When Should I Use Denture Adhesive?

So, now you know how to correctly apply and remove denture adhesive. But how do you know when to use it in the first place? Here are some signs:

  1. Loose Dentures: If your dentures feel loose or unstable, dental adhesive can provide additional support.
  2. Difficulty Chewing: Problems with biting or chewing may indicate a need for adhesive to improve denture stability during eating.
  3. Speech Challenges: If you have trouble pronouncing certain words or notice a change in your speech, denture adhesive may help enhance stability.

By following these guidelines, you can confidently use dental adhesive like a professional to secure a comfortable fit for your dentures. If you ever have questions or concerns about using dental adhesive, don’t hesitate to talk to your dentist. They can offer more personalized advice to enhance your denture experience.

About the Practice

At Rauchberg Dental Group, you’ll find a large team of passionate dentists who can treat a variety of oral health issues all under one roof. They use state-of-the-art dental technology and techniques to ensure that your treatment is efficient, painless, and affordable. Whether you need expert advice on dentures or a simple cleaning, you’re in good hands. Call (973) 718-9887 to schedule a denture consultation or visit the website to discover other services.