You might accurately predict that your dentist will recommend extracting a severely decayed or damaged tooth if it’s been causing pain or other issues. However, if you’ve found out you need one but don’t have cavities, it’s natural to question why it was suggested as a possible solution.
Your provider usually does everything possible to protect and preserve your natural teeth because it’s better for your dental health. That said, there are several circumstances in which a removal may be required, even without an associated toothache. Continue reading to learn about 3 of them!
Reason #1: Infection
Many patients who are suffering from discomfort call their dentist to schedule an appointment and then realize that the pain has disappeared. You might feel tempted to call and cancel, but doing so could put your oral well-being at risk.
If you have a cavity or otherwise injured tooth and bacteria penetrate the pulp inside, it can cause a painful infection in the tender nerves. Unfortunately, if you wait too long to be seen, these receptors can become so damaged that they eventually die and can no longer send pain signals to your brain. Although sometimes a root canal and dental crown are effective solutions, if your troubled tooth is too broken to be fixed, extraction may be the only recourse.
Reason #2: Overcrowding
Other people must have one or more of their teeth pulled to make room for other treatments, like braces or dentures. Our ancestors had longer, more angular jaws that had room for all of their chompers to fit comfortably. Over time, we evolved shorter, rounder mouths that don’t always have space for everything to sit evenly.
Overlapped teeth are difficult to clean and are vulnerable to gum disease and tooth decay, but straightening them can improve your smile’s appearance and functionality. Your dentist may need to remove some to ensure there’s enough room to shift everything to their proper positions. Similarly, some patients needing full dentures must have their one or two remaining teeth taken out so their prosthetics fit correctly.
Reason #3: Gum Disease
Did you know that gum disease is the number one leading cause of tooth loss? If enough plaque and tartar form along your gum line, it can penetrate and infect your connective tissues. The early signs are notoriously easy to miss, and the disease often progresses to more advanced stages as a result. Not only can this cause receding gums that destabilize permanent teeth, but it also can spread to and negatively affect your jawbone or neighboring pearly whites. In these cases, pulling a tooth can halt worsening periodontal problems and preserve your grin.
If you’re unsure why your dentist recommended an extraction, the best way to find out is to ask!
About the Practice
At Rauchberg Dental Group, you and your family benefit from a team of experts who work together to provide a comprehensive array of services at one convenient location. With general dentists, periodontists, an orthodontist, and an oral surgeon on staff, they can help with everything from basic preventative care to more complex procedures, including extractions. They combine a caring and compassionate approach with state-of-the-art equipment to enhance patient comfort while delivering accurate results to improve your dental condition. If you think you may need to have a tooth removed, you can request an appointment on the website or call (973) 718-9887.