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Realistic Restorations: What Do Dental Implants Feel Like?

January 30, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 6:06 pm
Dentist showing sample dental implant to woman with brown hair

Many experts consider dental implants the gold standard for replacing missing teeth because of their unique benefits. Unlike dentures and dental bridges, they include a titanium rod embedded into your jawbone for added strength and durability.

Despite this, many patients hesitate to proceed with the procedure because they assume their implant will stand out like a sore thumb or feel noticeably unnatural. Continue reading to learn more about what these restorations look and feel like so you know what to expect!


4 Facts About Nitrous Oxide Sedation for Those Interested in Sedation Dentistry

January 21, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 7:59 pm
Dentist administering nitrous oxide sedation

Have you ever been anxious for a dental appointment and thought, “if only I could be sedated”? Well, there’s a whole subfield of dentistry for patients that have dental anxiety or are often uncomfortable during dental treatments. This subfield is called “sedation dentistry,” and the goal is to help patients have more positive experiences during their visits.

One of the most popular forms of dental sedation is nitrous oxide sedation, so if you’re interested, it would do good to learn more about it. Keep reading, and you’ll pick up four facts about nitrous oxide sedation worth knowing!


What Does Dental Crown Recovery Look Like?

January 16, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 11:45 pm
Illustration of a dental crown

Tooth enamel is incredibly strong. In fact, it is the toughest material in the entire body. However, it can become damaged in various ways, including decay and trauma. The good news is that structurally compromised teeth can be built up and protected with a dental crown. This way, the tooth can survive for many years in the future. Here is what you can expect as you recover from getting your dental crown.
