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4 Facts About Nitrous Oxide Sedation for Those Interested in Sedation Dentistry

January 21, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 7:59 pm
Dentist administering nitrous oxide sedation

Have you ever been anxious for a dental appointment and thought, “if only I could be sedated”? Well, there’s a whole subfield of dentistry for patients that have dental anxiety or are often uncomfortable during dental treatments. This subfield is called “sedation dentistry,” and the goal is to help patients have more positive experiences during their visits.

One of the most popular forms of dental sedation is nitrous oxide sedation, so if you’re interested, it would do good to learn more about it. Keep reading, and you’ll pick up four facts about nitrous oxide sedation worth knowing!

1.     “Laughing Gas” And “Nitrous Oxide” Are the Same Thing

You might also hear nitrous oxide referred to as its nickname, “laughing gas.” Laughing gas likely won’t make you burst out like a hyena, but it can make some patients a bit giggly – hence the nickname.

2.     The Process is Safe and Simple

When administered by a qualified professional, laughing gas is quite safe. In fact, the FDA has approved it for use in dentistry for decades, and it’s considered safe enough for children to inhale.

The machine itself has several security features, like an automatic emergency shut-off system, that help ensure the patient’s wellbeing. It’s also simple to operate, making it very easy for dental professionals to monitor both the patient and the machine.

3.     It Works Quickly and Fades Quickly

Within a few minutes of inhaling nitrous oxide, you’ll start to feel more relaxed and comfortable. It’s such a mild sedative, though, that it doesn’t take long for it to leave your system, either. Patients are often able to drive themselves home after waiting just five minutes or so.

4.     You Won’t Be “Under,” But You Will Be Relaxed

Technically, you won’t be “put under” with nitrous oxide sedation. But rest assured, it’s an effective sedation option for many patients, and you’ll feel more comfortable during your treatment. Laughing gas has a slightly euphoric effect; you might feel “light,” and your senses will be dulled. Basically, you’ll be sedated without the heavier and sometimes disorienting effects of stronger alternatives.

Though nitrous oxide sedation can be helpful and is suitable for most patients, it’s not for everyone. To make sure the gas will be safe and effective for you or your loved one, it’s important to talk to your dentist in advance. They’ll be able to lay out all your options and help you find your best-fit solution.

About the Practice

We have several highly qualified and experienced dentists here at Rauchberg Dental Group. Our wide selection of professionals allows us to provide truly comprehensive and personalized treatment for our patients. If you’re interested in adding nitrous oxide to your treatment plan, we’d be happy to consult with you in more detail and help ensure your comfort! To contact our office, call 973-718-9887.