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Dentures – Parsippany, NJ

Rebuild a Beautiful, Functional Smile

Our goal is to give patients a healthy, beautiful smile that’s confident and supports overall wellness. If you’re missing teeth, it can be difficult to perform basic functions, such as biting and chewing. Many patients also suffer from embarrassment and are afraid to even smile. No matter the reason you’ve lost teeth, from genetic disorders to injury and dental disease, you should never be ashamed. Our goal is to restore your oral health with partial or full dentures from our Parsippany, NJ dentist. 

Who is a Candidate for Dentures?

Three men with dentures smiling

If you’ve experienced significant tooth loss in one or both arches, you might be a candidate for dentures or partials. If you’re ready to replace your lost teeth, we’ll create the personalized treatment plan you need to achieve the complete smile you deserve.

What are My Replacement Options?

Dentist and patient looking at denture model

At Rauchberg Dental Group, we provide replacement teeth made from advanced dental materials. Dr. Rauchberg pays close attention to detail, creating a prosthetic that closely matches gum color. In addition, we take the tooth size, shape, and color into consideration, so that your denture will look as realistic as possible.

Partial Denture

Model smile with partial denture restoration

A partial denture is a prosthetic that replaces several missing teeth in one arch. They consist of a gum-colored base with replacement teeth that fit like a puzzle with your natural ones. Dr. Rauchberg designs your prosthetic with both aesthetics and function in mind, making sure your partial blends with your natural smile. Partial dentures can be removable or fixed. Dr. Rauchberg will explain your options and which is right for you.

Full Dentures

Full set of dentures resting on a table

Patients missing a full arch of teeth are candidates for full dentures. A complete set of replacement teeth is attached to a custom-made base to fit your mouth. They are molded to conform to your gums and jawbone ridge to be held in place naturally. The muscles in and around your mouth will adjust to help secure your full dentures.

Dental Implant-Retained Dentures

Model dental implant retained denture

Implant-retained dentures permanently eliminate any slipping and irritation by using 4 to10 dental implants to anchor your denture to your jawbone. This replicates the entire tooth structure, allowing you to enjoy a close replica of your natural smile. Not to mention, it has the potential to last for a lifetime for a long-term investment in your smile.

What are the Benefits of Dentures?

Older woman sharing full smile after dentures

Replacing missing teeth allows you to eat and chew comfortably while looking younger because they support full cheeks to prevent a sunken appearance. With a full set of teeth, you’ll have the self-assurance to laugh and smile without any worry. We’ll restore your oral health and your quality of life using a solution that looks natural.

Denture Aftercare

Set of dentures in glass of water

Although dentures aren’t subject to decay, you’ll still need to brush them using a nonabrasive toothpaste to remove trapped food particles and odor-causing bacteria. When your dentures aren’t in your mouth, it’s best to soak them in a special solution to sanitize them, and you don’t want them drying out. It’s also important to maintain routine appointments with your dentist for maintenance and adjustments.

Denture Frequently Asked Questions

Full set of dentures and dental treatment tools on reflective surface

Do you still have questions about replacing your missing teeth with full or partial dentures? We don’t want you to miss out on this life-altering tooth replacement treatment, which is why we want to make sure that you get all of your concerns and questions addressed! Below, we’ve answered some of the most common questions that we receive from our patients for your convenience. If you don’t see yours, don’t hesitate to call us.

How long do dentures last?

As long as you follow the aftercare and maintenance directions that we provide you with before sending you home with your restorations, they should be able to last between seven to 10 years. Unfortunately, the longer you go without the roots of your teeth, the more your jawbone will deteriorate and change the shape of your mouth—requiring you to need new restorations. For our patients who are looking for a more permanent solution, we often recommend dental implants instead.

Can I sleep with my dentures in my mouth?

We don’t recommend that you sleep with your dentures in your mouth. Each night, you should place them on your nightstand in a glass of room temperature water. This will help them maintain their custom-fitted shape so you can continue to comfortably wear them. In addition, as you’re sleeping, bacteria from your lungs can transfer onto your restorations, causing them to become a breeding ground for illness.

My dentures have a very small crack in them. Do I still need to have them repaired?

Even if you only have a miniscule or hardly noticeable crack in your dentures, it’s crucial that you bring them in so we can examine and repair them as soon as possible. Despite being small, these areas can accumulate bacteria and fungi that can make you sick and make your dentures uncomfortable to wear. To avoid infection, we recommend calling us to schedule an appointment as soon as you notice the damage.

How do I clean my gums?

With dentures, it’s not just important to take care of your restorations, it’s also vital to take proper care of your gums. After all, they’re the foundation that’s supporting your new teeth. Each time you take your dentures out of your mouth, be sure to gently clean your tongue, cheeks, and the roof of your mouth with a soft-bristled toothbrush or a piece of sterile gauze. This will prevent infection and bad breath by clearing away bacteria and plaque.

How do I use denture adhesive?

Denture adhesive comes in many different forms and can be tricky, especially if you’ve never worked with it before. Here are a few rules-of-thumb to follow when using a denture cream:

  • Thoroughly clean and dry your dentures before putting any type of adhesive on them.
  • Use a small Q-Tip to hold the adhesive cream.
  • With the Q-Tip with a small amount of adhesive on it, gently apply a thin layer around the edge of your dentures. Avoid putting any in the middle, because this may cause it to squish out when you put them in your mouth.
  • Place the denture in your mouth and press down. The adhesive should immediately set and last you for the rest of the day.

Remember that you should only need to apply this once a day. If you believe that your dentures don’t fit you properly, contact us so we can take a look and make sure that they’re safe to use.
